Cyprus - Alan W

On 25 September 2023, the Cypriot broadcaster CyBC announced that Silia Kapsis would represent Cyprus at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.

 On 8 January 2024 the title of Silia’s Eurovision song, “Liar” was announced and then on 29 Febrary 2024 the song and music video was released on CyBC’s website.

 (Vasiliki) Silia Kapsis is 17 year-old Sydney-based singer, dancer and actress with Greek-Cypriot heritage. Cyprus is going back to the well of Australian’s representing them at Eurovision after the success of Andrew Lambrou last year.

 Kapsis has been performing from childhood, including being a lead singer for the Australian Youth Performing Arts Company. She has also acted in a short film and worked on the Australian Nickelodeon channel. She has danced for the ImmaBeast Dance Company and been the recipient of numerous awards and a scholarship for dancing.

 Since 2022 she has released 4 singles; “Who Am I”, “No Boys Allowed”, “Disco Dancer” and“Night Out”. All have gained a number streams on Spotify.

 Liar was written by Elke Tiel and composed by the Greece’s Dimitris Kontopoulos (who’s had a hand in numerous Eurovision entries like Stefania’s “Last Dance”, Ani Lorak’s “Shady Lady and Farid Mammadov’s “Hold Me”). Kontopoulos has produced two runners-up and two third-place finishes in the contest so far.

 “Liar” is a nicely produced pop song that addresses people being stuck in a fake world and trying to break free from stereotypes. It refers to issues such as body shaming and sexuality. 

 Silia looks like she has the skills to produce a memorable performance on the Eurovision stage with a mandatory dance break of course. Cyprus breath, eat and sleep this type of song.