1987 - Kevin Fansler

Eurovision 1987, Year in Review: Watch Party Highlights

By Kevin Fansler

Since this ESC Year in Review assignment is free-form, I thought I would point out a few highlights for you if you’re participating in the club watch parties this coming weekend.

There are the obvious “don’t miss” moments, like Johnny Logan sending chills down your spine. And one would think Sandra Kim would sing a tune or two, but she does not. She’s trotted on stage for a brief interview at the end, but there will be no reprise of J’aime la vie.

Here are some other things you might look for:

● In the boring moments, contemplate that pyramid thingy in the center of the stage. Is that meant to be wool? Snow? Beach rocks? What exactly is that covering for the pyramid, and what is the point of it?

● The postcards are the usual mix of tourism faff and “look at what industries we have”! But the MUST-SEE postcard plays before Switzerland’s entry. Trust me on this. You can thank me later.

● Please watch Italy — and you’re welcome. Gente di mare, in my opinion, is the only song from this year’s contest that has aged well.

● You may as well watch Germany, as it places well. You can be as baffled as the rest of us as to why.

● Watch out for the hostess, Viktor Lazlo, during her (yes, her) costume change for the voting. That fascinator in her hair is um… fascinating. How is it attached? Is it annoying to have that thing wrapping around your head?

● Speaking of Viktor Lazlo, I held my breath at the top of the stairs for her initial entrance. I couldn’t imagine going down the stairs — in heels, in that dress, with no railing, while talking to the audience.

● While you’re looking at fashions, pay attention to the hair. Norway’s porcupine hairdo didn’t age well, for instance.

● Another highlight for me is the Blues Brothers–style entry from Israel. Highly entertaining!

● If you sit through Luxembourg’s Plastic-something entry, watch for the eyes! Someone backstage must have told him to keep his eyes more open, because he overdoes it in a hysterical way.

● And finally, Turkey’s delegation did a disservice to their singer. She is quickly out of breath from the frenetic choreo, and it shows. If you’re going to throw an aerobics routine on stage, keep it to the backup dancers, please!