1994 - David Dewhurst

1994 and we are in the midst of the Golden Age of Ireland’s participation in the contest. Not surprisingly we are back in Ireland (for the second year in a row) and this time in Dublin. Whilst the audience looks all too familiar in their formal attire, the actual contest provided us with a number of firsts:

Qualifying for the contest

• This was the first year of the relegation system: seven countries were selected to perform for the first time, mainly from former Eastern Bloc countries. This meant that the seven lowest scoring countries from the previous year did not qualify (although in the end Italy chose not to participate creating the 25th slot for highest scoring non qualifier, Cyprus)

Contact with the national juries

• Satellite contact replaced the telephone allowing, for the first time, the television viewers to see the Jury spokesperson convey their points

The interval act goes on to become more famous than the winner

• This was the debut performance of what became a global success story - Riverdance, a magical collaboration of Irish musicians and dancers on the banks of the River Liffey

Ireland again….

• Having been the first country to host the contest two years in a row, it goes on to win it three years in a row, with Rock ‘n’ Roll Kids, composed by Brendan Graham and performed by Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan. It received ‘douze’ points from eight countries and was the runaway winner on 226 points. Poland, in its debut in the contest, took second place with 166 points (despite having performed their song in English in the dress rehearsal, which was against the rules)

This was also the Golden Age of commentary for the BBC by the late Sir Terry Wogan. Being Irish, he was able to provide a unique insight into the contest ‘postcards’ for British audiences and genteel dry humour in his commentary of the voting…

‘The UK hasn’t got a point yet…. Hungary is in the lead…. It’s going to be a bizarre evening’

On the UK being awarded 12 points: ‘Bless you Croatia’

On Ireland being awarded another 12 points ‘I’m sure this means that Ireland gets to keep the Eurovision is they win it’

On Slovakia being awarded 12 points by Malta…. ‘How bizarre … this is why we love the Eurovision… we won’t see voting like this anywhere else…’

In Ireland being awarded 12 points from Germany … ‘OK lads we can pack up and go home!”

On Ireland winning the trophy ‘They will receive the Grand Prix… specially designed (in the dark by the look of it)’…….and later ’can you fill that with drink, do you think?

And finally …’We’ll do it every year in Ireland… what do you think?... they know how to stage it, they know how to win it and they know how to enjoy it!’

Watch the BBC transmission of ESC 1994, with the priceless commentary of Sir Terry Wogan, here:
